<aside> 💡 Q: I want to be able to trade on Alpaca, how do I do this?

You will need to get your own Alpaca keys.


Here are the steps for partners to get Alpaca keys:

  1. Create an App on Alpaca: Partners need to navigate to Alpaca Connect and create an app.
  2. Submit the Developed App: After creating the app, partners should submit it via Alpaca Connect. They should use the following redirect URL: https://connect.snaptrade.com/oauth/alpaca.
  3. Wait for Approval: The partner's app needs approval from the Alpaca API team before receiving the Alpaca key and client secret.
  4. Send Details to Alpaca Support: As a procedure, partners should send the following details to [email protected]:

Once these steps are completed, the partner should await approval and then receive the Alpaca key and client secret. If approved, the app can be listed in the Alpaca App Connect marketplace.